Coming home from very lonely places, all of us go a little mad; whether from great personal success, or just an all-night drive, we are the sole survivors of a world no one else has ever seen.
- John le Carre
- John le Carre
![]() Well, it's been a long time coming but here's part of the cover art for my first novel to be released very soon. Just a teaser image to whet your appetite. It's the novelization of a short story I've had out for some time - Panic in Year 2020. I've actually received many e-mails when I first released it asking when I'd write the full book. And so little by little, I'd add on to it until the first draft was complete. Little did I know that writing the first draft was actually the easiest part of the process. I just finished formatting it for print which was quite an ordeal since I kind of did everything out of order which I'm sure contributed to the difficulty I had with it. But seriously, CreateSpace could really improve on its instructions... Back to the teaser image. I basically took the finished cover art, overlaid a texture on it and took several PS brushes to "reveal" different areas of what's underneath. I'll go over the actual cover art design process (if anyone's interested) later on. This is the cover that'll go with the digital versions. I've had to design a full spread (spine + back + front for the print edition). *** I originally planned on releasing this early summer but with the road trip with the family, that was put on hold along with other projects I had going. Anyway, the ebook should be available shortly through Smashwords and Amazon. I've pulled out the short story about a week ago to avoid any conflict within the Smashwords system. I'm also trying to get something set up so people can buy it directly off this site. I'm currently waiting on the proof of the print copy to ensure it looks good. When that's done it'll be made available on Amazon in print format. I should have some signed copies too for sale here. I'm just looking forward to completing this project finally and moving on to the next one. Will let you know as soon as this is out. =)
May 2020