Coming home from very lonely places, all of us go a little mad; whether from great personal success, or just an all-night drive, we are the sole survivors of a world no one else has ever seen.
- John le Carre
- John le Carre
![]() The time has come for another book release. This time it's for episode 1 of my YA Paranormal Mystery Serial - GHOST TOWN. Amazon: ***Update as of 1/15 I had to unpublish the first 3 episodes from Smashwords. I didn't realize that serial works went against their TOS. So I'll republish it there once the series is complete. Meanwhile, I'm in the process of making it available here as an epub and pdf, pending on how smoothly the transition goes. I still have to iron out some details. I'll announce it as soon as it's ready. Synopsis: Driftwood looks like your average small town. Friendly locals. Fresh air. Beautiful scenery. Except for the ghosts. They're everywhere. For some reason the town has a large concentration of paranormal activity and hauntings. No one knows for sure why that is. It's just always been that way. Most of the locals have learned to live with it. The Carters are no exception. Joe Carter comes from a family of paranormal investigators. He's learned the tricks of the trade from his folks but nothing can prepare him for what he's about to discover. Follow Joe as he uncovers and deciphers the clues left for him by those who came before. ** The big "Lightbulb" moment. It's more like several little ideas rolled up into one.
The real challenge is sticking with the schedule. The release date for each episode is biweekly or maybe even sooner if the writing goes well. The exciting part (and equally nerve-wracking part) is I don't know where the story is leading to exactly. I only have a rough idea of how each episode will play out. Right this moment, I have my notebook in front of me with an episode outline complete with possible cliffhangers. The way it looks right now, this might be a 5 episode deal but we'll see how that pans out. The only way to get this done is to write fast and furious. Hammer the words out, rewrite, check for details so that the story remains cohesive and ship it. If I obsess about every little detail, it's never going to get out. Will I release this into a full volume - yes, but I'll cross that bridge once the darn thing is built. =)
Let's cut right to the chase. Here's the sneak peek of the cover for my forthcoming serialized fiction - Ghost Town. The first episode should be released very soon, if all goes as planned within the week. I haven't decided yet if it will be a weekly or bi-weekly release but it'll be between those time frames. The way it's looking, it might end up being 5 to 6 episode total but we shall see. These things have a way of expanding beyond the original concept and taking on a life of its own.
I'll post the synopsis during the release date. For now, enjoy the eye candy. I'll discuss the cover design process in another post but there's one thing I wanted to introduce to this particular series which is a logo/stamp which is on the upper left corner. I've been a fan of pulp art for some time now but lately I've been really using them for inspiration not only for stories but also for the images associated with it. The stamp has Z2R (for zerotorockstar) and an old-school toy robot image. For my next post I'll upload a larger image so you can see the details. Website updates Like the new digs? I figured it's time for a new look. I pared down to the bare essentials to eliminate distractions. I haven't done much blogging the past year but I have done quite a bit of fiction writing. For the next year the goal is to ship out more of it. |
May 2020