Coming home from very lonely places, all of us go a little mad; whether from great personal success, or just an all-night drive, we are the sole survivors of a world no one else has ever seen.
- John le Carre
- John le Carre
This post is for the Hooligan subscribers, the RSS readers, my Twitter buddies, and my Facebook pals... By the way, much thanks to new subscribers, it gives me the warm and fuzzies when new people join in and check up on what I'm up to. Nobody wants to broadcast to an empty room so having a small but growing circle of compadres is amazing. I promise as soon as I get settled I'll catch up on all of you even if it's just a quick howdy or a comment on your lovely blogs. The road trip from Austin, TX to NYC was as expected - physically exhausting but we passed some beautiful landscape on the way which more than made up for the long stretches of interstate highways. I do get that nomadic bug every so often and I'd like to do a cross country RV trip one of these days. One good thing is that our cars didn't crap out on us which was definitely a plus. We ended up leaving some things behind in a storage room which made me realize how very little I really need. We hit Holland Tunnel and had to drive through Manhattan traffic which is about as pleasant as a zombie bite (I would imagine). Made it here around midnight and crashed at mom's place. I've missed my family dearly even as much as they drive me nuts sometimes, and it wouldn't be my family if there wasn't any kind of drama going on with someone (which in this case there was, is...I don't keep up with it really). All I know is I enjoy what I have right now whatever that may be with whoever happens to be around me. Just don't be a Debbie Downer - or I will cut you off my life. Period. I have absolutely no time or patience for negative bullshit. Not anymore. As far as school, I've been vague but all you need to know is that I'm going into the medical field. I still love new media, technology, graphic arts - but this feels right and has been pulling me to this direction for a while now. I will continue to write, make art, and everything else that drives me. I'm just adding more experience points to my repertoire. So by the end of this week, we move to the new place for a month or two then move a couple of houses down to our permanent place which my family owns where we are to stay until graduation (I couldn't move there right now, the tenant still has a couple of months on the lease but after that - mine, all mine). We're basically starting from scratch. I think the pets have more furniture than we do right now so that's gonna be fun trying to furnish the place with basic things. Like I've said, I don't need very much at all. So once again this is where I'll be hanging my hat. After a few years of being away I'm back...slightly older (32 - I'm not one of those women who flip out if you ask me what my age is), more mature, now with a little bit of gray hair (I've always had gray hair since I was a wee bit, genetic trait from dad's side), new goals, a little more insight, a different person from what I used to be but still somewhat the same, driven as hell and more focused than ever. I feel like a visitor in my own town, everything looks slightly different and smaller. It's been a whirlwind trip so far. I predict things will remain chaotic for yet another month -already my internet connection is wonky, I'm living out of boxes and bags, my internal clock and sleep schedule is way off, so I'm pretty much winging it. I will get back to the normal schedule shortly with the following: Blogging here at Zero to Rockstar. Writing fiction - Sid Valentine series, Degeneration serialized fiction, and flash fiction pieces. (I have a short story volume that needs to be assembled and released.) I have a lot of new blog post ideas brewing and on standby so I'll be working on those in the interim. So, I realize I'm all over the place with this post but just writing how it is. Right now, Muse is playing on the radio. I'm still in my pajamas, earlier I cooked my family french toast for breakfast, I'm getting ready to head out and get a few things done, and I'm typing one word after another... my head is spinning. Have a wonderful day. What next? Feel free to read some past entries: How to make a monster Fall like a thunderbolt Death by slow kill Chasing Tornadoes Minimalism is Gangster And of course...recommend to others. =)
12/6/2010 12:14:18 pm
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